Page 179 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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              illiterate or had less than 12 years of formal education,   Table 3 depicts the results of logistic regression, indicating
              namely, ‘under diploma’ status. The mean BMI of the   that the odds of not using a condom in people with depression
              participants was 24.5 kg/m . In all, 30% of participants never   are higher compared to those who do not have depression
              used condoms, 32% sometimes used condoms and 37.1%    (odd ration [OR], 6.50; 95% confidence interval [CI],
              always used condoms. The demographics of the participants,   3.70–11.42).
              their condom use status and their sleep quality are tabulated
              in Table 1.                                           According to  Table 4, in multinomial logistic regression,
                                                                    people with depression tended to be about 7.12 and 5.01
              The overall prevalence of depression was 56.7%. Almost
              70% of those with depression were men, and more than   TABLE 2a: Clinical status of depressed and non-depressed participants.
              half of the depressed patients were unemployed and had   Variable   (n = 298)  Depressed  Non-depressed  p
                                                                                                       (n = 129)
                                                                                            (n = 169)
              not completed formal education (p < 0.05). The depressed           Mean   SD  Mean   SD  Mean   SD
              group had a significantly higher BMI than the non-    Time since HIV   62.32  49.21  56.52 43.76  67.51  54.90  0.056
              depressed group.  Amongst 169 depressed individuals,   diagnosis, months
              only 32 (18.9%) always used condoms, whilst 71 (42%)   CD4 count  577.03  301.56  586.98  321.23  573.24  277.50  0.698
              never used condoms. Almost 70% of the participants had a   Duration of ART,   46.19  36.61  42.44  32.17  50.17  41.87  0.073
                                                                    months (med, IQR)
              PSQI of > 5, which means that they had poor sleep quality.
              Eighty-two per cent (n = 139) of PLWH with depression
              suffered from poor sleep quality. Similarly, 75% and 91%   TABLE 2b: Clinical status of depressed and non-depressed participants.  p
              of depressed people had symptoms of anxiety and stress,   Variable                                0.408
                                                                    CD4 count
              respectively.  Table 2 shows the HIV infection status in   < 500   129   43.3  76   45  53    41.1  -
              depressed and non-depressed participants. The main    ≥ 500        169   56.7  93   55  76    58.9  -
              route of HIV transmission to participants was unsafe drug   Route of HIV acquisition              0.087
              injection.  About  24% of people with depression were   Sexual contact   120   40.3  68   40.2  52  40.3  -
              co-infected with HIV and hepatitis C.                 Injection drug use   167   56  98   58  69  53.5  -
                                                                    Blood products  4   1.3  1   0.6   3    2.3   -
              TABLE  1a:  Demographic  characteristics  of  the  depressed  and  non-depressed   Unknown  7   2.3  2   1.2  5  3.9  -
              participants.                                         HIV/HBV coinfection  9   3  8   4.7  1  0.8  0.373
              Variable    Total      Depressed  Non-depressed  p    HIV/HCV coinfection  62   20.8  41   24.3  21  16.3  0.376
                         (n = 298)    (n = 169)   (n = 129)
                                                                    HIV/TB coinfection  26   8.7  13   7.7  13  10.1  0.693
                       Mean   SD   Mean    SD    Mean   SD
              Age, years   39.81   9.67  39.98  10.19  39.59   8.98 0.734  HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ART, antiretroviral therapy; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV,
                                                                    hepatitis C virus; TB, tuberculosis.
              (mean ± SD)
              BMI (kg/m ) 2  24.78   4.16  25.73  4.34  24.06   3.88 0.001
                                                                    TABLE 3: Results of the unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression to assess the
                                                                    relation between depression and not using condoms amongst people living with
              TABLE  1b:  Demographic  characteristics  of  the  depressed  and  non-depressed   human immunodeficiency virus.
              participants.                                         Variable            OR         95% CI      p
              Variable         n    %   n    %   n    %    p        Model 1
              Sex                                        < 0.0001   Crude adjusted value  6.76    4.00–9.41  < 0.0001
              Female           96  32.2  53  55.2  43  44.8  -      Model 2
              Male             202  67.8  116  57.4  86  42.6  -    Age and sex adjusted   6.66   3.43–7.66  < 0.0001
              Marital status                              0.191     Model 3†
              Married (committed)  155  52  79  50.9  76  49.1  -   Multivariate adjusted   6.50  3.70–11.42  < 0.0001
              Single†          143  48  90  62.9  53  37.1  -       OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
              Education                                  < 0.0001   Not using a condom was defined as an outcome in the logistics model.
              Under diploma    140  47  86  50.9  54  41.9  -       †, Model 3 was adjusted for age, sex, education, time since HIV infection and marital status.
              Diploma          104  34.9  62  59.6  42  40.4  -
              Upper diploma    54  18.1  21  38.8  33  61.2  -      TABLE 4: Results of unadjusted and adjusted multinomial logistic regression to
              Current employment status                  0.0100     assess the relation between depression and not continuously using condoms
                                                                    amongst people living with human immunodeficiency virus.
              Employed         217  72.8  111  51.1  106  48.9  -
                                                                    Variable         No vs. consistent    Inconsistent vs. consistent
              Unemployed       81  27.2  58  71.6  23  28.4  -                        condom use        condom use
              Condom use status                          < 0.0001                     (n = 91/111)      (n = 96/111)
              Never use condom   91  30.5  71  78  20  22  -                      OR   95% CI   p   OR   95% CI   p
                                                                    Model 1
              Sometimes use condom   96  32.2  66  68.7  30  31.3  -
              (inconsistent)                                        Crude adjusted value  7.76  5.60–11.16 < 0.0001  5.54  2.99–7.84 < 0.0001
              Always use condom   111  37.2  32  28.8  79  71.2  -  Model 2
              (consistent)                                          Age and sex adjusted  7.06  5.82–19.76 < 0.0001  5.83 3.17–8.71 < 0.0001
              Poor sleep quality   210  70.4  139  82.2  71  55  < 0.0001  Model 3†
              (PSQI, > 5)
                                                                    Multivariate adjusted   7.12 5.85–10.11 < 0.0001  5.01 3.69–8.33 < 0.0001
              Anxiety (> 6)    154  51.7  127  75.1  27  20.9 < 0.0001
              Stress (> 10)    204  68.5  154  91.1  50  38.8 < 0.0001  OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
                                                                    Consistent condom used was defined as condoms always used. Inconsistent condom used
              BMI, body mass index; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.  was defined as condoms sometimes used.
              †, Never married or divorced.                         †, Model 3 was adjusted for age, sex, education, time since HIV infection and marital status.
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