Page 25 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
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Page 12 of 16  Guideline

              Flucytosine                                           maintenance therapy should be communicated. The expert
              Bone marrow suppression is uncommon at the            panel recommends standard first-line ART regimens among
              recommended induction flucytosine dose for 1 week only,   patients with CM.  If nephrotoxicity occurred on
              especially if renal  function is normal (dose adjustment is   amphotericin B, the renal function should be checked before
              important in case of significant renal impairment). Other   starting ART to ensure that it has improved (to a creatinine
              causes of a low neutrophil count should also be considered.   clearance  of > 60 mL/min) before commencing tenofovir.
              However, if grade 4 neutropenia (< 400 cells/mm )     The panel advises that, among patients who present with
              develops, then we  recommend to reduce the flucytosine   relapse of CM or a first CM episode after interrupting ART,
              dose and repeat a neutrophil count as soon as possible. If   ART should also be restarted after 4–6 weeks. One situation
                                                                    where  ART may be delayed further is if a patient is still
              the neutropenia is  confirmed, then withhold flucytosine   symptomatic with headaches at the visit when ART is about
              until counts recover.  If the patient was on the preferred   to be started. In such a situation, a LP should be repeated to
              1-week amphotericin B and flucytosine regimen, fluconazole   measure pressure and for fungal culture to exclude persistent
              may  be added to amphotericin B, and extension of     culture positivity.  Antiretroviral treatment should be
              amphotericin B treatment to a second week should be   deferred and such patients may require further LPs or
              considered.                                           amphotericin B to ensure control of symptoms before
                                                                    starting ART (Table 9).
              Recommendation 5: Timing of
              antiretroviral therapy                                Cryptococcal antigenaemia
              Detailed recommendations                              The panel advises starting ART immediately among ART-
                                                                    naïve patients who are blood CrAg-positive on screening and
              Cryptococcal meningitis                               have an LP that excludes CM (with a caveat that there is no
              The expert panel recommends commencing ART 4–6 weeks   evidence for this  recommendation). Asymptomatic  CrAg-
              after the diagnosis of CM. The panel strongly advises that   positive patients who decline consent for LP or for whom LP
              ART must not be delayed beyond 6 weeks after diagnosis,   is contraindicated should start ART after at least 2 weeks of
              and most members of the panel advise that clinicians should   antifungal treatment (Figure 1).
              aim to start exactly 4 weeks after diagnosis of CM. Although
              most patients with CM have advanced immunosuppression   Recommendation 6: Management
              with very low CD4 counts, two randomised clinical trials   of raised intracranial pressure
              conducted in sub-Saharan Africa have shown excess early
              mortality when ART was commenced while patients were   Background
              still receiving induction phase treatment for CM. 22,58  In the   Raised intracranial pressure occurs in up  to 75% of
              later trial conducted in Uganda and South Africa, patients   patients with CM and results from physical obstruction of
              who started ART 1–2 weeks after diagnosis of CM had a   CSF outflow  through the arachnoid villi/granulations
              15%  higher  mortality  than  those  who  deferred  ART  until   resulting in build-up of CSF pressure. 61,62  Raised pressure
              5–6 weeks.  Another small trial showed possible excess IRIS   may be present at the diagnosis of CM or develop while the
              in  those  patients  who  started ART  early.   The  in-hospital   patient is on treatment and may result in severe headaches,
              stay associated with amphotericin B therapy should be used   vomiting, confusion or depressed level of consciousness,
              for pre-ART counselling, identification of a treatment   ophthalmoplegia (particularly sixth cranial nerve palsies)
              supporter and early referral to an  ART clinic. Clinicians   and visual disturbance/loss. Clinicians need to consider
              should aim to set up an ART clinic appointment within a   raised intracranial pressure and manage appropriately if a
              week of discharge from hospital to prevent delays in ART   patient exhibits these symptoms or signs at any stage of the
              initiation beyond what is advised in this guideline. Patients   management of CM. To alleviate raised pressure,
              initiated on ART should be counselled regarding the risk of   therapeutic LPs are indicated. New-onset hypertension
              development of  IRIS. If a patient is referred to another   may be a sign of increased intracranial pressure (i.e. part of
              facility  for ART,  the  need  for  fluconazole  consolidation  or   Cushing’s triad) and should prompt an LP to measure
                                                                    opening pressure instead of anti-hypertensive medications
              TABLE 9: Summary of recommendation 5.                 (Box 1).
              Scenario        Sub-recommendations
              Following a first or relapse  •  Start ART 4–6 weeks after diagnosis of CM. The panel
              episode of CM    strongly advises that ART must not be delayed beyond   BOX 1: Summary of recommendation 6.
                               6 weeks after diagnosis, and most members of the   Sub-recommendations
                               panel advise that clinicians should aim to start exactly
                               4 weeks after diagnosis of CM         Measure baseline opening pressure at the time of or shortly after the diagnosis
                              •  No adjustment in first-line ART regimen is required for   of CM using a manometer
                               patients who are ART-naïve (unless renal dysfunction   If opening pressure is > 25 cm H O (manometer reading), remove 10 mL – 30 mL
                               precludes the use of tenofovir)       CSF               2
              Following a new diagnosis  •  If CM has been excluded, start ART immediately   Repeat LP whenever there are symptoms or signs of raised intracranial pressure
              of cryptococcal   •  Asymptomatic CrAg-positive patients who decline   (headache, vomiting, drowsiness, confusion, sixth cranial nerve palsy, visual
              antigenaemia     consent for LP or for whom LP is contraindicated   disturbance, etc.)
                               should start on ART after at least 2 weeks of
                               antifungal treatment                  Daily therapeutic LPs may be required
              CM, cryptococcal meningitis; LP, lumbar puncture; ART, antiretroviral treatment.  CM, cryptococcal meningitis; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; LP, lumbar puncture.

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