Page 157 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 157

Page 2 of 14  Original Research

              The adherence club intervention is an example of a    (or not) rests on the ability of the evaluator to explain the
              differentiated  care model  designed to  streamline ART care   decision-making process of the relevant actors regarding the
              for  adults  (18+  years),  treatment-experienced  patients  on   resources, opportunities and constraints that the programme
              first-line treatment with a good clinic attendance record and   provides to the relevant actors.
              evidence of medication adherence.  Through quick group
              consultations,  convenient  medication  pickup  processes   Identifying the important generative mechanisms (social and
              and direct access to a clinician when needed, the adherence   psychological drivers) of a programme is not enough to
              club drastically reduces the waiting times of the patients. The   explain how and why a programme works (or not).  For an
              adherence club intervention also provides a conducive social   intervention to work, it must influence the reasoning
              environment to encourage patient interactions with peers.   (mechanism) of the targeted actors to cause them to adopt an
              The adherence club intervention has been described in   intended behaviour that, in a specific context, will lead to a
              greater detail elsewhere. 8                           specific outcome. Therefore, realists assume that an outcome
                                                                    (O)  is  generated  by  a  mechanism  (M)  being  triggered  in
              The evidence supporting the effectiveness of the adherence   context (C) through an actor (A) when an intervention (I) is
              club intervention 9,10,11,12  and its cost-effectiveness  has   implemented.  This captures  how, why, for  whom  and in
              prompted plans to roll out the intervention nationwide.    what circumstances programmes work. Formulating realist
              Nevertheless, there is a limited theory-based understanding   theories is, therefore, achieved through the formation of
              of how and why the adherence club intervention works and   intervention–context–actor–mechanism–outcome (ICAMO)
              in  what  health  system context(s).  To  this  end, a realist   configurations. 20,21  The ICAMO configuration is a modification
              evaluation of the adherence club intervention was     of context–mechanism–outcome (CMO), originally proposed
              commissioned.  In this article, we report on the process of   by  Pawson  and  Tilley   as  the  heuristic  tool  for  the
              testing the hypothesis (initial programme theory) of how and   development of realist theories. In the first phase of this
              why  the  adherence  club  intervention  is  expected  to  work   project, we elicited an initial programme theory of the
              under real-life implementation conditions.            adherence club intervention with information obtained from
              Methodological approach                               four sources 23,24,25  (see Figure 1).

              The realist evaluation, a theory-driven approach, guided   We applied the ICAMO heuristic tool to configure the
              the inquiry.  The goal of realist evaluation is about learning   programme theory by applying the logic of retroduction –
              ‘for whom, in what circumstances, and in what respects   mechanism-centred analysis and conceptualisation – to make
              a  programme works’, 15,16  through identifying, testing and   inferences. Testable hypotheses were distilled from the
              refining programme theories. Therefore, realist evaluation   configurational  map,   an  approach  to  causality  whereby
              starts with an initial programme theory and the goal is to   outcomes are considered to follow from the alignment of a
              obtain a more refined programme theory.               specific combination of attributes,  using the ‘if … then …
                                                                    because’ phrase (Box 1).
              Programmes work with the acquiescence of participants
              (actors),  and provide resources, opportunities or constraints   The  aim  of  this  study  was  to  test  these  initial  programme
              of some kind that influence the target person’s decision-  theories in a primary healthcare facility running the adherence
              making.  Therefore, understanding why a programme works   club programme, with the goal of obtaining a more refined

                             Step 1: Explanatory qualita ve study    Step 2: Systema c review  Step 3: Scoping review

                     Document review         In-depth interviews       Systema c review          Scoping review
                 of the implementa on reports,  with adherence club   of studies repor ng on  of cogni ve, affec ve and
                 data files, guildelines, toolkit,  interven on designers and  group-based adherence  behavioural theories used in
                  blogs, newspaper clippings  managers involved in   interven ons implemented  various peer-reviewed ar cles
                  and other artefacts on the  coordina ng and monitoring  in sub-Saharan Africa  to explain adherence to
                  adherence club interven on  the adherence club                              an retroviral medica on
                                                interven on

                                                    Step 4: Formula ng the ini al
                                                    programme theory or theories

                                                        Ini al programme theory

              FIGURE 1: Sources of information towards formulating the initial programme theory.

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