Page 158 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 158

Page 3 of 14  Original Research

              BOX 1: Initial programme theory of the adherence club intervention represented   providing treatment and care services to PLHIV and those
              by two tentative theories (hypotheses).
                                                                    infected with tuberculosis (TB). Patients who are co-infected
               Initial Programme Theory 1                           with HIV and TB can easily access both services, as those
               If  adult  (18+  years),  clinically  ‘stable’  patients  with  evidence  of  good  clinic   with HIV and TB share the same waiting area and are seen by
               attendance are group-managed, receive quick symptom checks, quick access to
               medication, consistent counselling and social support from the peer counsellor,  the same counsellors.
               Then they are likely to adhere to medication and remain in care,
               Because  they  develop  a  group  identity,  which  improves  their  perceived  social   Because of a lack of proper structures such as physical
               support and increases satisfaction and trust, and acquire knowledge, which helps
               them to understand their perceived threat and perceived benefits and improves   meeting space, the programme could not be implemented at
               their  self-efficacy.  As  a  result,  they  become  encouraged,  empowered  and
               motivated, thus more likely to remain in care and adhere to the treatment.  the scheduled time. Following the construction of a makeshift
                                                                    building  for  club  activities,  the  intervention  was  initiated
               Initial Programme Theory 2
                                                                    at  the facility. While conducting a preliminary qualitative
               If operational staff receive goals and targets set to continuously enrol patients in
               the  adherence  club  and  monitor  their  participation  through  strict  standard   exploration  for the suitability  of Facility  Y for our study,
               operating practices (the promise of exclusion in the event of missed appointment   we  uncovered that the adherence club programme was
               and active patient tracing),
               Then patients are likely to adhere to medication and remain in care,  poorly implemented because of poor buy-in from the staff
               Because they fear losing the benefits (easy access to medication, peer support,   members, who failed to identify how the intervention would
               reduced waiting times, and 2-month ART collection) of the club system and are
               coerced through adhesive club rules. As a result, they are nudged to remain in care   benefit them and/or improve the overall delivery of  ART
               and adhere to the treatment, which might decongest the health facility.  services to the patients. They perceived the adherence club
                                                                    intervention  as extra work in their already busy schedule.
              programme theory of the adherence club intervention.   Consequently, even when a makeshift building was
              In  conducting and reporting the findings of the study, we   constructed for the adherence club activities, the programme
              followed the RAMESES II reporting standards for realist   struggled to function properly.
              evaluation developed by Wong et al. 26
                                                                    When the sub-district managers identified the problem
              Research design                                       through routine monitoring and reporting, a nurse was
                                                                    identified and trained in the implementation and execution of
              This study is framed within the realist evaluation approach.   the adherence club programme to champion the intervention
              We sought to test the initial programme theory of the   at Facility  Y. This nurse subsequently ran workshops and
              adherence club intervention in a real-life implementation   meetings with the other  ART care providers at the facility
              situation to verify, refute and/or modify the initial programme   expounding on the advantages of the intervention to the
              theory of the adherence club intervention. To this end, we   patients,  the healthcare  workers  themselves  and  the clinic.
              adopted an explanatory theory-building case approach and   This strategy led to an overall improvement of the level of
              the multiple embedded case study design.  Facility  Y was   buy-in, uptake and implementation of the adherence club
              considered the case and the unit of analysis, with each of its   intervention. To date, an estimated 50 clubs with 25–35 patients
              ART clubs being sub-units embedded in the case.       each have been established at the facility.

              According to Creswell and Plano Clark,  cases selected for   Research methods
              case study research could be identified as typical, deviant or
              crucial. Facility Y was selected as a deviant case, a most likely   We combined a retrospective cohort analysis and an
              case shown to be negative with regard to the phenomenon   explanatory qualitative approach to data collection. Using a
              under consideration. To this end, we considered Facility   sequential explanatory approach,  we first collected the
              Y for testing the initial programme theory of the adherence   quantitative data, which informed the retention in care and
              club intervention. This facility has retention in care rates of   suppressive adherence to medication outcomes at the facility.
              only 63.0% based on the routine monitoring and evaluation   The quantitative data collection was followed by qualitative
              data on the adherence club intervention of 2015. Although   methods (non-participant observation, in-depth interviews
              Facility  Y was selected for the first phase rollout of the   and focus group discussions) aimed at informing the nature
              adherence club intervention in 2012 along with other clinics   of the outcomes obtained. The combination of qualitative and
              in the health sub-districts, the intervention only rolled out in   quantitative methods allowed us to explore the important
              September 2014. Reasons were challenges related to lack of   contextual elements that influence the implementation of
              physical space and poor buy-in from the facility healthcare   that  adherence club intervention, the mechanisms that the
              providers.                                            intervention introduces and the emergent outcome patterns.
                                                                    The multi-method approach also allowed for triangulation.
              Study setting

              Facility Y is a provincial primary healthcare facility providing   Selection of respondents
              primary healthcare to the surrounding communities. Staff   Regarding  the  retrospective  cohort  arm  of the  study, our
              provide first-level and some second-level care, including a   goal was to identify a typical ‘mature’ adherence club, that is,
              24-h emergency service. Housed in a separate building from   a club that reached its maximum capacity of 30–35 patients.
              the main clinic, is an accredited ART initiation and on-going   Firstly, we selected all the clubs that had opened in 2014, and
              management site, which operates Mondays to Fridays    then identified the clubs that had reached their maximum

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