Page 109 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 109

Page 7 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 7: Predictors of perception of risk of HIV infection.
              Variable                         Yes, at higher risk 95% CI                Yes, at low risk 95% CI
                                       Exp(B)         LB           UB           Exp(B)         LB           UB
              30–35 (R)                  -            -             -             -            -             -
              15–19                    0.588         0.223         1.551        0.733         0.379        1.419
              20–24                    0.561         0.254         1.241        0.886         0.526        1.491
              25–29                    0.813         0.400         1.651        0.888         0.553        1.426
              Marital status
              Never married (R)          -            -             -             -            -             -
              Married or living together   0.727     0.364         1.452        1.090         0.693        1.714
              Formerly married         3.135*        1.054         9.324        1.252         0.455        3.443
              Higher (R)                 -            -             -             -            -             -
              Primary                  0.282         0.054         1.467        0.530*        0.223        1.258
              Secondary               0.535***       0.264         1.085        0.487         0.306        0.776
              High (R)                   -            -             -            -             -             -
              Low                      0.905         0.481         1.701        1.123         0.738        1.707
              Medium                   0.777         0.419         1.441        1.016         0.679        1.522
              Employment status
              Unemployed (R)             -            -             -            -             -             -
              Employed                 1.330         0.719         2.461        1.317         0.884        1.963
              No religion (R)            -            -             -            -             -             -
              Mainline                 0.532         0.225         1.259        0.664         0.366        1.203
              Pentecostal              0.343*        0.132         0.891        0.657         0.353        1.222
              Apostolic sect           0.598         0.248         1.446        0.518*        0.277        0.970
              Other religion           0.719         0.267         1.939        0.582         0.281        1.208
              Other (R)                  -            -             -             -            -             -
              Shona                    0.994         0.406         2.435        0.554*        0.324        0.945
              Ever tested for HIV
              No (R)                     -            -             -             -            -             -
              Yes                      1.197         0.678         2.113        2.016*        1.377        2.953
              Approval of VCT prior to MC
              Disapprove (R)             -            -             -             -            -             -
              Approve                  0.486*        0.238         0.994        1.000         0.683        1.464
              Ever heard of VMMC
              No (R)                     -            -             -             -            -             -
              Yes                      1.402         0.298         6.590        2.415         0.847        6.890
              Knowledge about MC
              Low knowledge (R)          -            -             -            -             -             -
              High knowledge           1.121         0.601         2.090        1.058         0.696        1.607
              Attitude towards MC
              Unfavourable attitudes (R)  -           -             -            -             -             -
              Favourable attitudes     0.651         0.391         1.085        0.879         0.634        1.218
              Circumcision status
              No (R)                     -            -             -            -             -             -
              Yes                      0.796         0.399         1.150        0.862         0.343        1.430
              Observations              784           -             -             -            -             -
              Pearson                  0.112          -             -             -            -             -
              Deviance                 0.833          -             -             -            -             -
              VCT, voluntary counselling and testing; MC, male circumcision; VMMC, voluntary medical male circumcision; B, beta values; R, reference category; LB, lower bound; UB, upper bound; CI, confidence
              *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.1

              of education.  Educational attainment predisposes individuals   circumcision. This could be attributed to counselling sessions
              to appreciate health programmes better. 29            that happen before and after testing. In Zimbabwe, VCT
                                                                    centres disseminate information about male circumcision.
              The findings from this study also showed that previously   Male circumcision services have also been an integral part
              testing for HIV was  associated with knowledge  about   of  male sexual and reproductive health programmes.
              male  circumcision. Respondents who had ever tested for   Information about the importance of reduction in the
              HIV were more likely to be knowledgeable about male   number of sexual partners, provision of condoms, delay in

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