Page 106 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 106

Page 4 of 9  Original Research

              TABLE 3: Background characteristics by knowledge about male circumcision.  TABLE 4: Predictors of knowledge about male circumcision.
              Variable           Low      High   χ-value  p  Total  Variable                  B       SE      Exp(B)
                              knowledge (%) knowledge (%)           Age
              Age                                16.325  0.001      30–35 (R)                 -       -        -
              15–19              28.6     71.4     -    -  182      15–19                   -0.361   0.386    0.697
              20–24              20.1     79.9     -    -  229      20–24                   -0.316   0.342    0.729
              25–29              19.8     80.2     -    -  192      25–29                   -0.552   0.321   0.576***
              30–35              11.6     88.4     -    -  181      Marital status
              Marital status                     10.197  0.006      Never married (R)
              Married or living together   13.7  86.3  -  -  263    Married or living together   0.379  0.289  1.461
              Formerly married   19.2     80.8     -    -   26      Formerly married        0.077    0.552    1.080
              Never married      23.4     76.6     -    -  495
              Education                          19.618  0.000      Higher (R)                -       -        -
              Primary            29.7     70.3     -    -   37      Primary                 -1.503   0.559   0.223*
              Secondary          22.3     77.7     -    -  618      Secondary               -1.231   0.402   0.292*
              Higher             6.2      93.8     -    -  129      Wealth
              Wealth status                       5.616  0.060      High (R)
              Low                24.3     75.7     -    -  276      Low                     -0.209   0.249    0.811
              Medium             19.4     80.6     -    -  248      Medium                  -0.004   0.248    0.996
              High               16.2     83.8     -    -  260      Employment status
              Employment status                   8.184  0.004      Unemployed (R)            -       -        -
              Employed           16.4     83.6     -    -  439      Employed                0.201    0.231    1.223
              Unemployed         24.6     75.4     -    -  345      Religion
              Religion                            4.425  0.352      No religion (R)           -       -        -
              Mainline           17.0     83.0     -    -  265      Mainline                0.426    0.342    1.531
              Apostolic sect     21.9     78.1     -    -  169      Pentecostal             0.321    0.359    1.378
              Pentecostal        18.7     81.3     -    -  193      Apostolic sect          0.245    0.351    1.277
              Other religion     25.3     74.7     -    -   83      Other Christian         0.024    0.399    1.024
              No religion        24.3     75.7     -    -   74      Ethnic group
              Ethnic group                        0.443  0.506      Other (R)                 -       -        -
              Shona              23.0     77.0     -    -  710      Shona                   0.175    0.316    1.191
              Other              19.7     80.3     -    -   74      Ever tested for HIV
              Ever tested for HIV                32.765  0.000      No (R)                    -       -        -
              Yes                14.1     85.9     -    -  759      Yes                     0.660    0.215   1.934*
              No                 31.3     68.7     -    -   25      Approve of VCT prior to MC
              Approve of VCT prior to             0.072  0.788      Disapprove (R)            -       -        -
              MC                                                    Approve                 0.187    0.233    1.205
              Yes                19.3     80.7     -    -  171
              No                 20.2     79.8     -    -  613      Ever heard of VMMC
                                                                    No (R)
              Ever heard of VMMC                  9.268  0.002      Yes                     1.255    0.465   3.508*
              Yes                19.2     80.8     -    -  759      Perception of risk to HIV infection
              No                 44.0     56.0     -    -   25      No, not at risk at all (R)  -     -        -
              Total              157      627      -    -  784      Yes, at high risk       -0.085   0.322    0.919
              Percentage         20.0     80.0     -    -  100
                                                                    Yes, at low risk        -0.041   0.215    0.960
              VCT, voluntary counselling and testing; MC, male circumcision; VMMC, voluntary medical
              male circumcision.                                    Attitude towards male circumcision
                                                                    Unfavourable attitude (R)
                                                                    Favourable attitude     0.177    0.197    1.194
              compared to those who belonged to medium and low wealth
              status (80.6% and 75.7%, respectively; p < 0.060). With respect   Circumcision status   -  -     -
                                                                    No (R)
              to employment status, 26.6% of respondents who indicated   Yes                0.577    0.333   1.782***
              that they were unemployed had low knowledge about male   Constant             0.511    0.810    1.667
              circumcision as compared to 16.4% of respondents who   Observations            784      -        -
              indicated that they were employed.                    Nagelkerke              0.13.9    -        -
                                                                    H-L G gof test          0.993     -        -
              Eighty-six per cent of the respondents who had ever tested   VCT, voluntary counselling and testing; MC, male circumcision; VMMC, voluntary medical
              for HIV had high knowledge about male circumcision,   male circumcision; H-L G gof, Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of fit test; B, beta values; R,
                                                                    reference category.
              compared to 68.8% of those who had never tested for HIV.   *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.1
              Finally, 80.8% of the respondents who had heard of VMMC
              had high knowledge about male circumcision.           about male circumcision. The results concerning age and
                                                                    knowledge about male circumcision showed that men aged
              Predictors of knowledge about male circumcision       25–29 years were significantly less likely to have high
                                                                    knowledge about male circumcision compared to those aged
              Table 4 shows the results of the binary regression examining the   30–35 years. The odds of young men aged 25–29 years having
              influence of sociodemographic characteristics and knowledge   high  knowledge about  male  circumcision  were  42%  lower

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