Page 114 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 114

Page 3 of 7  Original Research

              pre-intervention training on the specific content of the   interviews, to evaluate the changes linked to the integrated key
              integrated key population training. Local government and   population sensitisation training. Similar methods have been
              civil society organisations providing services in the provinces   used to assess changes in healthcare workers’ knowledge,
              where the training was provided, nominated the healthcare   attitudes and practices related to training in African contexts,
              workers who participated in the training.             about HIV treatment and also mental health. 36,37

              This article presents the findings from a mixed-method study   Quantitative component
              evaluating the outcomes of the key populations’ sensitisation   Healthcare workers  who received  the intervention  were
              training in selected locations. The evaluation objectives were   invited to complete anonymous paper-based pre- and post-
              to (1) assess changes  in the perceptions, attitudes  and   training assessment questionnaires. The questionnaires
              knowledge  of  healthcare  workers  regarding  HIV-related   assessed previous training and experience working with key
              issues affecting MSM, sex workers and PWUD, and (2) to   populations, knowledge about key populations’ health
              assess changes in healthcare workers’ attitudes, for example,   needs, as well as attitudes, opinions and beliefs pertaining to
              stigma and discrimination towards MSM, sex workers and   key populations and their behaviours. All of the completed
              PWUD who access health and related services.
                                                                    paper-based questionnaires were entered  into  an Excel
              Methods                                               spreadsheet and imported into Stata 14.  Quantitative
                                                                    analysis included comparison of proportions and frequencies,
              Background to the evaluation research                 as well as t tests for independent proportions to determine
              Of the five provinces that received training, two provincial   if  there were significant differences between pre- and
              capitals were selected for evaluation: Bloemfontein   post-training responses.
              (Mangaung Metropolitan District, Free State Province), in
              which 84 healthcare workers received  the sensitisation   Qualitative component
              training, and Mafikeng (Ngaka Modiri Molema District   Prior  to  the  training  intervention,  baseline  in-depth
              Municipality, North-West Province), in which no training   interviews (IDIs) were conducted with eight healthcare
              intervention was implemented. These locations were selected   workers purposively sampled from four government health
              because they are characteristic of the public health system   facilities in Bloemfontein and four in Mafikeng. Three months
              outside of major South  African metropolitan areas (poor   after the training intervention was implemented in
              infrastructure, under-resourced, operating with inadequate   Bloemfontein,  follow-up IDIs were conducted  with three
              health personnel, and with significant financial and   healthcare workers in Bloemfontein and one in Mafikeng (the
              geographic barriers to accessing healthcare), 33,34  and because   variance  in  sample  size  at  follow-up  was  because  of
              implementation  and scale  up of  key population  HIV   respondents declining follow-up interviews). Both baseline
              programmes in these areas were lacking at the time the   and follow-up IDIs explored healthcare workers’ narratives
              research was completed. The number of locations was limited   of their experience of working with key populations viz.
              by the resources available for the evaluation.        attitudes and views of the behaviour and social vulnerabilities
                                                                    of this group and of their own capacity to provide appropriate
              Compared to other South Africa provinces, both North-West   and nonjudgmental services to them. In addition, views with
              and the Free State have low population densities, each   regard to the training of healthcare workers in this field were
              containing 7% (N = 3 856 174) and 5% (N = 2 866 678) of the   elicited from the interviewees.
              National population,  respectively.  The South  African
              National  AIDS  Council  estimated  that  in  2018  there  were   Interviews were conducted by a female socio-behavioural
              1228 female  sex  workers  in  Mangaung  and 1753  in the   interviewer and a male research assistant, both competent in
              Ngaka  Modiri Molema District. MSM estimates for these   English and local languages, and trained in the specific
              districts are 3655 and 3779, respectively. HIV prevalence for   implementation of the research tools. IDIs were conducted at
              these districts is estimated to be similar: 53% for female   the health facility of each participant, often in consultation
              sex workers and 18% for MSM. PWUD estimates have not   rooms during tea or lunch breaks. IDIs were conducted in a
              been developed because of lack of data.  At the time of the   combination of English and local languages, largely
              research, health services for MSM and sex workers were   Sesotho  and Setswana, and  were audio-recorded with
              limited (but have subsequently increased),  no PWUD   consent  from  the  interviewees.  Debriefing  notes  were
              outreach programmes or harm reduction services existed    captured after each IDI by the interviewer and research
              and the availability  of water-based  condom-compatible   assistant. Audio-recordings were transcribed and translated
              lubricants was poor.
                                                                    into English, and transcriptions were quality-checked by the
                                                                    multi-lingual lead interviewer. NVivo 10 software  was used
              This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative
              methods to evaluate the intervention. We used quantitative pre-   to code and manage qualitative data. Two coders read and
              and post-training questionnaires, combined with qualitative   coded the transcripts independently, and any discrepancies
                                                                    were resolved through inter-coder consensus. Predetermined
                                                                    5.StataCorp, College Station, TX.
              4.South African National AIDS Council Key Populations Cascade Stakeholder Group,
               February 2018.                                       6.NVivo qualitative data analysis Software; QSR International Pty Ltd., Version 10, 2014.
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