Page 389 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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TABLE 2: Demographics of the study sample. TABLE 2 (Continues...): Demographics of the study sample.
Variable n % Variable n %
Age (calculated from date of birth) (n = 385) When were you diagnosed with HIV? (n = 383)
13 73 19 At birth 192 50.1
14 74 19.2 Before the age of 6 33 8.6
15 65 16.9 Between 6 and 12 33 8.6
16 74 19.2 After the age of 12 56 14.6
17 57 14.8 Don’t know/not sure 69 18
18 42 10.9 At what age did you find out you were HIV positive? (n = 375)
Home language (n = 384) Between the ages of 6 and 10 159 42.4
IsiXhosa 296 77.1 Between the ages of 10 and 12 97 25.9
Afrikaans 53 13.8 After the age of 12 119 31.7
English 25 6.5 Do you have other conditions or illnesses? (n = 384)
Other 10 2.6 Yes 52 13.5
Gender (n = 385) No 309 80.5
Male 159 41.3 I don’t know 23 6
Female 224 58.2 How did you become infected with HIV? (More than one option could be selected
here therefore totals do not add to 100%)
I choose not to say 2 0.5 At birth/from my mother 282 73.2
Are you in school? (n = 383) By having sex 46 11.9
Yes 377 98.4 Forced sex or abuse 11 2.9
No 6 1.6 Shared needles or recreational drug equipment 8 2.1
Completed appropriate grade for age? (researcher determined) (n = 381) Blood transfusion or other medical procedure 19 4.9
Yes 243 63.8
Don’t know 94 24.4
No 138 36.2
Most likely route of infection (researcher determined)
With whom do you stay? (n = 383)
Perinatally or early in life 344 89.4
Biological mother 151 39.4 Behaviourally 41 10.6
Biological father 15 3.9 Source: Based on Crowley T. The development of an instrument to measure adolescent HIV
Biological mother and father 80 20.8 self-management in the context of the Western Cape, South Africa. [unpublished thesis].
Family member (aunt, grandmother, sister, brother, etc.) 118 30.6 Cape town: Stellenbosch University; 2018
Adoptive parents 13 3.4
Other 6 1.6 TABLE 3: Regimen, adherence and viral load.
How long have you lived with this person? (n = 383) Variable n %
Less than 1 year 31 8.1 Current regimen (n = 377)
Abacavir (ABC), lamivudine (3TC) and efavirenz (EFV) 132 35
1–5 years 37 9.7
Tenofovir (TDF), emtricitabine (FTC) and EFV (fixed- 94 24.9
6–10 years 37 9.7 dose-combination)
More than 10 years 278 72.6 Zidovudine (AZT), 3TC and lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) 52 13.8
Level of education of primary caregiver (n = 380) ABC, 3TC and LPV/r 48 12.7
No formal schooling 15 3.9 Other (seven participants or less per individual regimen) 51 13.6
Primary school 57 15 How often do you have to take your tablets? (n = 376)
High school 150 39.5 Once a day 236 62.8
College or university 38 10 Twice a day 121 32.2
Not sure/don’t know 120 31.6 More than two times a day 14 3.7
Is your biological mother still alive? (n = 383) Don’t know/not sure 5 1.3
Yes 267 69.7 Viral load (n = 347)
No 106 27.7 Suppressed (< 50) 226 65.1
Not sure 10 2.6 Not suppressed (> 50) 121 34.9
Is your biological father still alive? (n = 379) When was the last time that you missed taking any of your ARVs? (n = 376)
Yes 231 60.9 Within the past week 117 31.1
No 121 31.9 1–2 weeks ago 52 13.8
Not sure 27 7.1 2–4 weeks ago 14 3.7
Are you still in contact with your biological mother and father? (n = 383) 1–3 months ago 20 5.3
Yes, with my mother and father 131 34.2 More than 3 months ago 30 8
Yes, only with my mother 127 33.2 I never miss or skip 143 38
Yes, only with my father 40 10.4 In general, over the past month, how often did you miss taking your ARVs? (n = 375)
No 85 22.2 I hardly ever take any of my ARVs 5 1.3
Number of people in the same house as you (n = 363) I miss most of my ARVs 14 3.7
Median (interquartile range) 4 3 I miss about half of my ARVs 17 4.5
Number of times moved house in the past 5 years (n = 376) I miss my ARVs a little bit of the time 171 45.6
Median (interquartile range) 1 2 I never miss any of my ARVs 168 44.8
Nights stayed away from home in the past week (n = 375) Source: Based on Crowley T. The development of an instrument to measure adolescent HIV
self-management in the context of the Western Cape, South Africa. [unpublished thesis].
Median (interquartile range) 0 1 Cape town: Stellenbosch University; 2018
Table 2 continues on the next column → ARV, antiretroviral drugs. 381 Open Access