Page 20 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 2 of 8  Guideline

              Whilst the achievements in reducing HIV transmission at   suppressive ART during antenatal care, the risk of MTCT is
              birth are noteworthy, the Global Plan target  of elimination of   reduced by 10%.  Therefore, the prescription of antiretroviral
              vertical transmission will remain elusive due to SA’s high   drugs that rapidly and safely achieve and sustain maternal
              HIV prevalence rates. This brings into stark focus the need   viral suppression during pregnancy and the breastfeeding
              for primary prevention of HIV in all women of reproductive   period is of greatest importance to the prevention of vertical
              potential, before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as the   transmission. In this regard, the newly introduced integrase
              urgent need to intensify measures to prevent unintended   inhibitor dolutegravir (DTG) offers improved tolerability,
              pregnancies.                                          few drug interactions, and the reduced risk of viral drug
                                                                    resistance.  The time to viral suppression is approximately
              According to data published in 2016, the cumulative vertical   halved by DTG when compared to the currently administered
              transmission rate by 18 months of age is 4.3%.  The largest   drug efavirenz (EFV). 18
              proportion (> 80%) of these transmissions occur during
              the first six months of the breastfeeding period,  when women   Recent data from Botswana indicates that DTG may increase
              may experience pronounced challenges to adherence     the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs).  The absolute risk is
              and  retention in care, impacting negatively on viral   low, currently documented at 0.3% for mothers conceiving
              suppression. 9,10,11,12  At the same time, breastfeeding remains a   on a DTG-containing ART compared to a risk of 0.1% for
              key strategy to ensure that South African children survive and   mothers conceiving on alternative regimens.  Whilst the
              thrive. The evidence indicates that the benefits of breastfeeding   World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended DTG
              outweigh the risks of not breastfeeding, regardless of the   as the preferred first-line option for all populations (weight ≥
              maternal HIV status. 13,14,15  As the HIV epidemic matures, it is   20 kg) without exceptions, South Africa has opted for a more
              clear that the breastfeeding period must be one of the main   conservative  approach,  and  recommends  that  DTG  should
              priorities in the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV.   be used with caution in women wanting to conceive, and be
              New innovative strategies are required to achieve and   avoided in the first six weeks of pregnancy, that is, following
              maintain maternal viral suppression in the period after birth,   her last menstrual period and before closure of the foetal
              whilst simultaneously promoting breastfeeding as a major   neural tube approximately four weeks after conception.
              child survival strategy. In addition, sustained maternal viral   However, recent evidence indicates that DTG is likely to
              suppression will allow the realisation of the longer-term   have health and cost benefits over EFV even in women who
              advantages of ‘Option B Plus,’ including improved maternal   intend  pregnancy,  providing  further confirmation for the
              health, viral suppression in subsequent pregnancies, and   WHO’s more inclusive approach. Whilst South  Africa’s
              reduced HIV transmission to sexual partners.          position on DTG is likely to change as evidence evolves,
                                                                    confusion around the use of DTG in women of childbearing
              To this end, the South  African Department of Health has   potential has resulted in the suboptimal uptake of effective
              revised the Guideline for the Prevention of Mother to Child   ART in the women who need it most.
              Transmission of Communicable Infections (2019). This
              standalone guideline also forms part of the revised National   As a positive consequence, the current DTG recommendations
              Consolidated Guidelines for the Management of HIV in   will require that family planning services be better integrated
              Adults,  Adolescents, Children and Infants and for the   into ART care. Health care workers should regularly discuss
              Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (2019). The   issues of childbearing and contraception with their clients in
              guideline incorporates  new  evidence,  both  scientific and   order  to  understand  current  fertility  intentions  and
              operational, to ensure that South  Africa’s HIV PMTCT   contraceptive needs.  All women require appropriate
              programme remains relevant, practical, and evidence-based.   counselling on the risks and benefits of DTG and should make
              A concerted effort has been made to ensure alignment between   an informed choice (Box 1). Women may choose to use DTG;
              these guidelines and other national guidelines, including the   for those women who choose not to use DTG, EFV remains a
              Standard Treatment Guidelines and Essential Medicines List   safe, efficacious and cost-effective option. Concurrent use of
              for South Africa. It includes a strong focus on the prevention   effective contraception is recommended for all non-pregnant
              of HIV and unintended pregnancies in women of childbearing   women not currently desiring a pregnancy.
              potential, maternal viral suppression, preventing MTCT
              during the breastfeeding period, and care integration for the
              mother-infant pair. A summary of the major changes in the   Regimen switches during pregnancy
              guideline is illustrated in Table 1, together with the rationale   A single drug switch from an EFV-containing regimen to a
              for major changes for WLWH, being provided in the text.  DTG-containing regimen should only be considered if the
                                                                    client has a suppressed VL (in the last six months), irrespective
              Specific guidelines changes                           of pregnancy status. Therefore, pregnant women already on
              Antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy and the       ART should continue their current ART regimen, pending
                                                                    the result of their HIV VL at entry into antenatal care. If the
              breastfeeding period                                  VL is below 50 copies/mL, and the woman has progressed
              The risk of vertical HIV-transmission correlates strongly with   past the initial six weeks of pregnancy, that is, six weeks since
              maternal HIV VL levels. 16,17  For every additional week on   her last normal menstruation, switching to a DTG-containing

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