Page 14 - HIVMED_v21_i1.indb
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Page 4 of 8  Editorial

              Suggested additional reading                          HIV-negative matched controls. The median age of the
                                                                    patients  was  37  years.  Two-thirds  (62%)  were  women.
              •  Tsukamoto T. Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and   Recruits were asked about cough, cough accompanied by
                 the pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS. Front Cell Infect    mucus or phlegm, breathlessness, wheeze and so on. The
                 Microbiol. 2020 Feb 21;10:60.  participants were also examined, had their blood tested
                 fcimb.2020.00060                                   (HIV status confirmed, HIV viral load [VL] and CD4 cell
              •  Durandt C, Potgieter JC, Mellet J, et al. HIV and   count) and completed a ‘quality of life’ questionnaire. The
                 haematopoiesis. S Afr Med J. 2019 Sep 10;109(8b):40–45.   PLWH were subdivided into three groups: ‘the antiretroviral
           therapy (ART)-naïve’ (26%), ‘on first-line ART’ (24%) and ‘on
              •  Knuesel SJ, Sawalla Guseh J II, Karp Leaf R, Ciaranello AL,   second-line ART’ (50%). Those on ART were recruits from
                 Eng GM. Case 6-2018: A 35-year-old woman with headache,   randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and demonstrated a
                 subjective fever, and anemia. N Engl J Med. 2018;378: 753–760.   high level (> 90%) of viral suppression. Their CD4 levels
                    (median) were largely normal: namely, first-line  ART,
                                                                    CD4  =  413.5 (range: 278.5–574.3) and second-line  ART,
              10. Cloete CM, Hampton J, Chetty T, et al. Evaluation of a   CD4 = 619 (range: 429–798) cells/mm , respectively. Those
                 health system intervention to improve virological   ‘initiating’ therapy, that is, naïve to ART when tested, also
                 management in an antiretroviral programme at a municipal   demonstrated relatively  preserved median  CD4 levels,
                 clinic in central Durban. S Afr J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a985.   namely, CD4 = 281 (range: 191–400.8) cells/mm . Moreover,
               indeed, the authors note that ‘the frequency of respiratory
                                                                    symptoms did not differ by HIV status after adjustment for
              Editor’s comment: ‘What are the gaps in service delivery that   age and sex’. ‘Breathlessness (however) was associated with
              allow for clinical failure/poor viral control?’ This is a detailed,   older  age,  female  sex,  obesity,  a  previous  history  of
              prospective clinic-based study undertaken between 2011 and   respiratory infection and airway hyper-reactivity (asthma)’.
              2015. The investigators divided the study into three periods:   Chronic lung disease has been described in Africans living
              pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention. The   with HIV. The participants in this study were young and
              intervention  required  checking  every  10th  patient  file   most had accessed reliable ART for several years, exhibited
              (n = 1538) with (1) an in-depth file review, (2) recording of   immune (peripheral CD4 cell) reconstitution and reliable
              viral loads (VL) and the ‘retention-in-care’ status of the client   viral suppression. How should HIV clinicians be monitoring
              and (3) an assessment of the ‘viral load-management process’.   the health of our patients’ respiratory tract? Will the
              Gaps were identified and interventions were implemented.   Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic require a
              Outcome  measurements  improved over  the 4 years of  the   rethink of our patients’ respiratory safety?
              study, namely, the number of appropriate VL tests and
              the filing of results increased from 78% to 92% (p = 0.0009),
              the number of patients who accessed their VL result increased   Suggested additional reading
              from 59% to 86% (p < 0.0001) and fewer patients, from 81% to
              27%, required changes to antiretroviral therapy (ART)   •  Desai SR, Nair  A, Rylance J, et al. Human
              following the intervention. The detailed description in this   immunodeficiency virus-associated chronic lung disease
              report suggests a huge commitment from the clinic staff and   in  children  and  adolescents  in  chest  radiographic  and
                                                                      high-resolution computed tomographic findings. Clin
              the research team. Sustainable? The study required outside   Infect Dis. 2018;66(2):274–281.
              funding and the salaries of additional staff. Sustainable?   vid/cix778
              Gaps are noted: continuing high patient volumes, the   •  Shaddock  EJ, Richards  GA, Murray J. Lung fibrosis in
              ongoing and urgent priority of ART-initiation, the need for   deceased  HIV-infected  patients with  pneumocystis
              and absence of dedicated pharmacists in HIV clinics and so   pneumonia. S Afr J HIV Med. 2012;13(2):64–67.
              on. The authors point out that the third UNAIDS 90 or (95)%
              goal is achievable, that is, reliable long-term VL suppression   12. Bharuthram N, Feldman C. The diagnostic utility of bone
              by 2030. This sounds optimistic. ‘Is this effort reproducible on   marrow examination in an infectious diseases ward. S Afr
              a large scale?’
                                                                      J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a974. https://doi/org/10.4102/
              11. Kummerow M, Shaddock EJ, Klipstein-Grobusch K, et al.   sajhivmed.v20i1.974
                 Unexpected low frequency of respiratory symptoms in an
                 HIV-positive urban sub-Saharan population compared to   Editor’s comment: This is a retrospective review of
                 an  HIV-negative control group. S  Afr J HIV Med.   consecutive bone marrow aspirate and trephine (BMAT)
                 2019;20(1):a1010.  examinations of 327 patients admitted to the infectious
                 v20i1.1010                                         diseases ward of a large academic hospital in Johannesburg
                                                                    from 2012 to 2014. Most of the patients (314;96%) were people
              Editor’s comment: This is a cross-sectional study of 547   living with HIV (PLWH). ‘What is the utility of BMAT in the
              adults living in Johannesburg between July 2016 and   context of HIV infection?’  A peripheral white blood cell
              November 2017. Two-thirds of the patients were people   (WBC) cytopenia of ≤ 4 × 10 /L predicted a ‘unique’ diagnosis
              living with HIV (PLWH) (n = 347, 63%). The remainder were   (odds ratio [OR] 2.38, 95% CI 1.37–4.14, p = 0.002) and the

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