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Page 3 of 8  Editorial

              reports would have introduced limitations but the take-home   superb: clear and compelling. The author tells this story with
              messages are worth noting: disclosure was more likely to   compassion and respect for his subject. The art and science of
              have  occurred  amongst  older  children  and  those  whose   medicine shine on these pages. This is how we learn medicine,
              caregivers were more highly educated. The latter were more   and how we become better doctors. I loved this read and
              likely  to  be  men,  although  less  than  10%  of  the  study’s   recommend it to all who read this journal.
              caregivers were men. Indeed, disclosure was less likely if the   8.  Atuhaire C, Taseera K, Spoor C, Cumber RY, Cumber SN.
              caregiver was a woman, if children had detectable viral loads   Knowledge and perceptions of male immigrants in Leeds
              and if the child was still taking ‘syrup’ formulations of the   (UK) towards male circumcision as an HIV-prevention
              antiretrovirals , namely, a younger group, if the child was   strategy. S Afr J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a823. https://doi.
              noted by the caregiver to be non-adherent and if the child   org/10.4102/sajhivmed.v20i1.823
              was on protease inhibitors, stavudine (d4T) and/or
              didanosine (ddI). This article provides the readers with   Editor’s comment: Whilst the estimated prevalence of HIV
              credible information. Figure 1 in this article will also give   infection in the United Kingdom (UK) is low, namely, ≤ 1.5 per
              HIV educators a useful outline to the important associations   1000 persons, that of UK immigrants from Eastern and
              that promote disclosure/non-disclosure.               Southern Africa is far higher, namely, 25–50 per 1000 persons.
              6.   Schutz C, Ward A, Burton R, et al. False rifampicin results   Would medical male circumcision (MMC) be considered by
                 using Xpert MTB/RIF on urine samples in hospitalised   these immigrants as a means of preventing HIV transmission?
                 HIV-infected patients. S Afr J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a978.   Only 10 persons were interviewed in a snowball recruitment
               study  of  contacts  from  a  local  church  in  Leeds,  UK.  The
                                                                    participants expressed little or no knowledge of circumcision
              Editor’s comment: Recommended reading. This study is   as an HIV-preventive tool. Instead and despite the group’s
              from colleagues in Cape Town. Urine samples were      roots from the epicentre of the epidemic, circumcision is still
              collected prospectively from HIV-positive patients with   merely  a  ‘rite  of passage’.  Whilst the  study  limitations  are
              microbiologically proven active TB in two independent   obvious, it begs the question of the universality of HIV dogma.
              cohorts  between 2012  and 2016.  Multiple  samples from   In the West, ‘Treatment as Prevention’ has replaced MMC.
              each patient – including sputum, blood, tissue and urine –   With current dogma promoting universal ‘test and treat (UTT)’
              were subjected to culture, gene Xpert (including Xpert   and ‘immediate ART for all’, should we be talking about MCC
              Ultra) and line probe analysis (LPA). A total of 1704 urine   in high-income countries? And what of its future in middle-
              Xpert results were available from 1171 patients. Four   and low-income regions in the face of more effective preventive
              hundred and sixteen (24.4%; 95% CI 22.4–26.5) of the urine   measures? And how effectively has MMC changed attitudes
              Xpert results were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis   to HIV prevention in eastern and southern Africa?
              (MTB) and 43/413 (10.4%) were rifampicin resistant on
              Xpert analysis. Of the latter group, 30/41 were confirmed   September 2019
              to be truly rifampicin resistant, yielding a positive   9.  Manickchund N, Du Plessis C, John M-A, et al. Case
              predictive value of 73.2% (95% CI 57.1–85/8). Urine tests   report. Emtricitabine-induced pure red cell aplasia. S Afr
              from patients NOT on TB therapy at the time of assessment   J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a983. https://doi.4102/sajhivmed.
              gave more true-positive rifampicin-resistant Xpert results   v20i1.983
              (85.7%, 95% CI 67.3–96.0) than the urine of those on TB
              treatment  (53.8%,  95  CI  25.1–80.8).  About  11/43  urine   Editor’s comment: In this article, the authors report a female
              results were falsely positive for rifampicin resistance   patient with pure red-cell aplasia. She was 35 years of age
              (25.6%, 95% CI 13.5–41.2). Three patients in the urine Xpert   in  2014, pregnant, anaemic at baseline (haemoglobin
              rifampicin-resistant group were found to have concurrent   [Hb] = 8.2 g/dL) and had a low CD4 count (83 cells/mm ). Two
              rifampicin-sensitive TB on alternative specimens tested   months after starting first-line  ART, namely, tenofovir +
              simultaneously, that is, ‘hetero-resistant TB’. This article is   emtricitabine (FTC) + efavirenz, she was found to be severely
              a stimulating read and feeds the reader’s mind – a    anaemic: Hb = 2.2 g/dL, normocytic normochromic. Her HIV
              compulsory reading for clinicians, particularly Infectious   infection was under control. Workup included a bone marrow
              Diseases colleagues, fellows and registrars!!
                                                                    examination, which revealed a pure red cell aplasia and a
              7.  Ekermans P, De Gama R, Kock C, et al. An unusual case of   positive parvovirus B-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The
                 abdominal mycobacterial infection: Case report and   patient received intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) for 5
                 literature review. S  Afr J HIV Med. 2019;20(1):a993.   days  and  packed  red  cells.  Over  the  next  11  months,  she
               required multiple transfusions and six more courses of IVIG.
                                                                    Her  ART was changed and the FTC stopped: tenofovir +
              Editor’s comment: Highly recommended. In this case report,   abacavir + efavirenz, after which the anaemia resolved.
              Dr Ekermans and colleagues describe an HIV-positive 8-year-  However, the patient’s parvovirus B19-PCR remained positive
              old’s experience of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in   (2017). A role for lamivudine (3TC) and emtricitabine in pure
              South Africa. The author does a great job of describing the   red cell aplasia has been suggested by multiple reports over the
              difficulties in confirming the diagnosis and isolating the   past two decades. This report is a reminder of this rare drug-
              organism. The histological and radiographic plates are   related toxicity.

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