Page 145 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 145

Page 5 of 7  Original Research

              TABLE 2a: Exposure variables for male circumcision status among college youth, Ndola – 2016 (N = 136).
              Variable                                                                 Response
                                                                       n           Agree       Disagree       %
              What were the important reasons as to why you decided to get circumcised?† (n = 82)
              MC reduces the chances of HIV                            80           72            8           90.0
              MC reduces the chances of STIs                           80           71            9           88.8
              MC improves penile hygiene                               74           69            5           93.2
              MC services are provided for free                        79           69           10           87.3
              MC facilities are near where I live                      78           68           10           87.2
              MC reduce chances of penile cancer                       80           72            8           90.0
              MC services are of good quality                          79           76            3           96.2
              MC is a safe procedure                                   73           66            7           90.4
              MC enhances sexual pleasure                              80           52           28           65.0
              What are the important reasons as to why you are not circumcised? (n = 44)
              Concerned about MC complication                          40           28           12           70.0
              MC does not guarantee 100% protect against STI/HIV       37           23           14           62.2
              Fear of pain                                             42           24           18           57.1
              Six weeks post-surgery abstinence                        40           25           15           62.5
              Long healing after MC                                    39           25           14           64.1
              MC is not a safe procedure                               38           18           20           47.4
              Fear of injections                                       40           18           22           45.0
              MC promotes promiscuity                                  40           19           21           47.5
              MC, male circumcision; STI, sexually transmitted infection; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; aOR, adjusted odds ratio.
              n = number who consented or responded to the question (variable); the valid counts for analyses (%).
              †, Reasons for MC, n = 82; Not Applicable (N/A) = 54; Missing = (82-n’) per each variable.
              TABLE 2b: Exposure variables for male circumcision status among college youth, Ndola – 2016 (N = 136).
              Variable                                                                 Response
                                                                   OR     95% CI     p       aOR    95% CI    p
              Factors associated with circumcision status among male college students (N = 136)
              MC reduces chances of contracting HIV                4.48  1.26–15.94  0.01    5.13  2.09–14.82  < 0.01
              MC is a safe procedure/surgery                       4.05  1.12–14.80  0.05    3.65  3.12–11.67  < 0.01
              Circumcised and uncircumcised are same               0.19  0.04–0.86  0.03     0.13  0.02–0.80  0.02
              MC promotes promiscuous behaviour                    0.23  0.09–0.57  < 0.01   0.20  0.07–0.61  < 0.01
              MC, male circumcision; STI, sexually transmitted infection; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; aOR, adjusted odds ratio.
              n = number who consented or responded to the question (variable); the valid counts for analyses (%).
              TABLE  3:  Factors  associated  with  circumcision  status  among  male  college   Therefore, the study could not establish the proportion of the
              students, Ndola, Zambia (N = 136).                    males  aged  above  35  years;  hence,  further  studies  may  be
              Factors       MC Status     OR     95% CI   p
                         Yes      No                                required to ascertain this age group’s views around MC.
                       n    %   n    %
              MC reduces chances of contracting HIV                 This study found that respondents who had knowledge of
              Yes      74  94.9  33  80.5  4.49  1.26–15.95  0.03   the partial protective effect of MC against female to male HIV
              No       4   5.1   8  19.5   1      1       -         transmission were more likely to be medically circumcised.
              MC is a safe procedure                                It  follows that gaps in knowledge of the protective effect
              Yes      74  94.9  32  82.1  4.05  1.12–14.80  0.05   of MC against HIV and other STIs could be one reason for
              No       4   5.1   7  17.9   1      1       -         the low VMMC uptake among uncircumcised HIV-negative,
              Women prefer circumcised men over uncircumcised men
              Yes      53  68.0  18  46.2  2.47  1.12–5.44  0.04    young males.  Similarly, a study in Swaziland documented
              No       25  32.0  21  53.8  1      1       -         that the reduced risk of HIV infection was the most important
              MC is an expensive procedure                          reason for undergoing VMMC (55.4%), followed by reduced
              Yes      28  36.4  4  10.8  4.71  1.52–14.70  < 0.01  risk of other STIs (43.5%) and improved genital hygiene
              No       49  63.6  33  89.2  1      1       -         (21.1%).  Similar studies  have  shown that  having  the
              Transport to MC facility is costly                    knowledge  that ‘VMMC reduces the risk  of getting STIs’
              Yes      26  33.3  5  13.5  3.20  1.12–9.18  0.05                                                 13,16,17
              No       52  66.7  32  86.5  1      1       -         had a significant effect on the acceptability of VMMC.
              Concerned about the quality of MC services            Uncircumcised respondents who had this knowledge were
              Yes      39  50.7  10  27.8  2.67  1.14–6.28  0.04    found to be four times more likely to accept VMMC compared
              No       38  49.3  26  72.2  1      1       -         to their  counterparts.  Therefore, interventions  to  increase
              MC promotes promiscuous behaviour                     the awareness of reduced risk of HIV infection may serve to
              Yes      12  16.2  16  45.7  0.23  0.09–0.57  < 0.01  motivate men to undertake VMMC.
              No       62  83.8  19  54.3  1      1       -
              Uncircumcised and circumcised men are the same
              Yes      22  59.5  28  53.9  0.19  0.04–0.86  0.03    Previous studies have documented a strong association between
              No       55  71.4  24  46.1  1      1       -         perceptions of safety and VMMC service uptake. Similarly, the
              MC, male circumcision; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval.  ‘cost and quality’ of VMMC services are among well-described

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