Page 137 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 137

Page 4 of 7  Original Research

              in ACs, 90% of patients retained in clinic care were still in   1.00                                a
              ACs. Viral suppression was estimated to be 90.0% (95% CI,
              84.1–93.7), 83.9% (95% CI, 76.8–88.9) and 75.0% (95% CI,
              66.0–81.9)  at  6,  12 and  18  months  after  AC  enrolment,   0.90
              respectively (Table 2, Figure 2c).

              Discussion                                               0.80

              Patients  who  had  previously  had  elevated  VLs  had  good   % of pa ents retained
              treatment outcomes  following  supported viral  suppression   0.70
              and direct referral to  ACs, a differentiated  ART delivery
              model. Despite having had recent elevated VL, 75% of patients
              who joined  ACs after undergoing a ROTF intervention     0.60
              were estimated to maintain viral suppression 18 months after   0    3     6     9     12     15    18
              joining the AC. Eighteen months after AC enrolment, retention          Months a er AC enrolment
              in care was estimated at 89%, and 90% of patients retained in                                       b
              care were still in ACs. Care was differentiated in the intensified   1.00

              TABLE 1: Description of risk of treatment failure patients who suppressed and   0.95
              were referred to an adherence club.
              Characteristic                     N = 165
                                           N   %   Median  IQR         0.90
              Gender                                                  % of pa ents retained in ACs
              Males                        30   18.2  -   -             0.85
              Females                      135   81.8  -  -
              Age ART start                -    -   30.7  27.6–37.1    0.80
              16–19                        3   1.8   -    -
              20–24                        16   9.7  -    -            0.75
              25–34                        89   54.9  -   -                0      3     6     9     12     15    18
              35–44                        45   27.3  -   -                          Months a er AC enrolment
              45+                          12   7.3  -    -                                                       c
              Age ART start                -    -   36.2  32.2–32.4    1.00
              16–19                        0   0.0   -    -
              20–24                        1   0.6   -    -            0.90
              25–34                        66   40.0  -   -
              35–44                        69   41.8  -   -
              45+                          29   17.6  -   -            0.80
              Year of ART start                                       % of pa ents virally suppressed
              2002–2005                    27   16.4  -   -
              2006–2008                    56   33.9  -   -            0.70
              2009–2010                    51   30.9  -   -
              2011–2013                    31   18.8  -   -
              Regimen at AC start                                      0.60
              First line                   28   21.1  -                    0      3     6     9      12    15    18
              Second line                  105   79.0  -
              Median time from ART start to ROTF, years   -  -  3.4   2.1–5.5        Months a er AC enrolment
              Median time from ART start to AC start, years   -  -  4.7   3.4–7.2  AC, adherence club.
              Median time from ROTF start to AC start, years   -  -  1.2  1.0–1.5  FIGURE 2: Retention in care (a), retention in adherence club care (b) and viral
              ART,  antiretroviral  therapy;  IQR,  interquartile  range;  AC,  adherence  club;  ROTF,  risk  of   suppression (c) over the first 18 months in adherence clubs immediately after
              treatment failure.                                    viral suppression and referral to an adherence club.
              TABLE 2: Kaplan–Meier estimates of retention in care, retention in adherence club care and viral suppression by duration of follow-up after first AC meeting.
              Duration of   n     %           Retention in care        Retention in AC care       Viral suppression
                                        Events    %      95% CI   Events   %       95% CI   Events   %       95% CI
              3 months    160    97.0     2      98.8    95.2–99.7  2      98.8   95.2–99.7  7      95.7    91.1–97.9
              6 months    159    96.3     1      98.2    94.4–99.4  1      98.2   94.4–99.4  9      90.0    84.1–93.7
              9 months    145    87.9     3      96.2    91.8–98.3  4      95.6   91.0–97.9  2      88.6    82.5–92.7
              12 months   127    77.0     2      94.8    89.8–97.4  5      92.0   86.3–95.4  6      83.9    76.8–88.9
              15 months   82     49.7     3      91.5    84.9–95.3  10     82.5   74.4–88.3  7      76.2    67.4–82.9
              18 months   80     48.5     2      89.3    81.8–93.8  2      80.5   72.0–86.6  1      75.0    66.0–81.9
              AC, adherence club; CI, confidence interval.

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