Page 121 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 121

Page 3 of 6  Original Research

              population regarding VMMC since its inception. For instance,   estimated 4000 male students registered in 2015 as per the
              there is still a strong belief in southern Africa that circumcision   Department of Higher Education report. Each campus
              decreases natural sexual ability. 5                   was  estimated to have the following number of male
                                                                    students  enrolled:  Potchefstroom  Centre  for  Information
              Within the context of eastern and southern Africa, where   Communication and Technology Studies (800), Jourbeton
              HIV prevalence is high, mathematical modelling has shown   Centre for Engineering Studies (1800), Klerksdorp Centre for
              that circumcising 80.0% of males (aged 15–49) in five years   Business Studies (1200) and Matlosana Campus (200). Hence,
              can prevent approximately 3.4 million infections. There has   a stratified random sampling method was found suitable,
              been a belief that post VMMC, sexual behaviours, especially   where each campus was stratified based on the number of
              of males, can potentially reduce the expected benefits of the   male students enrolled. The resultant sample size arrived at
              practice.  A demographic and health survey (DHS), done   was 351 participants, which was increased with a buffer of
              from 2010 to 2011 in Zimbabwe, found no association   15.0% to 400.
              between MC status and risky sexual behaviour.  Recent
              studies conducted in Zimbabwe and Uganda provided     Data collection instrument and pretesting
              varied evidence that MC is sometimes viewed as a complete   A self-administered questionnaire was used as a data
              protection against HIV and STIs. Some observational
              studies conducted in the field of VMMC have found that   collection tool. The questionnaire comprised closed-ended
              men who are circumcised are more likely to engage in risky   questions. Questions were developed in English, as students
              sexual behaviour than those who are uncircumcised. 15,17,20  In   were in a higher institute of learning. Data were collected
              Africa there is a  strong  belief that circumcision improves   until a required sample reached. The data collection
              sexual performance, especially among adults, and there is   instrument comprised four sections, which included socio-
              also  a  concern  that  this  can  increase  the  risk  of  HIV   demographic characteristics, awareness of VMMC, sexual
              transmission. Equally so, there is a strong believe that the   behaviours  and perception  towards VMMC. Good  and/or
              perceptions that communities hold about VMMC can likely   satisfactory awareness, perceptions and practices regarding
              affect their sexual behaviours after undergoing the   VMMC were determined through positive or preferred
              procedure. 18,19  A study conducted among men in western   responses to > 75% of the questions in the questionnaire as
              Kenya revealed that most men felt that condoms are much   indicated by the codes. The questionnaire was pretested
              easier to use after VMMC as indicated by messages they got   among 15 students from Springfield College, who do not
              during circumcision. 21                               form part of the study sample.

              There is a very strong association between being circumcised   Data collection process
              and risky sexual behaviour; however, despite the association,   After proper arrangements  with the lecturers and college
              men who are circumcised are less likely than those who are   authority, students were approached in classes and briefed
              uncircumcised to be HIV-positive; this clearly indicates   about the  study. Those selected  to take  part in the study
              that the benefits of being circumcised outweigh the risk of   were asked to remain in class to be informed more about the
              predicted unwanted sexual behaviour.  In a study done to   study. Those who agreed to participate were asked to sign an
              examine sexual behaviour change following circumcision   informed consent form with detailed information about
              among adult men in Siaya and Bond District hospitals in   the purpose of the study and potential risks, such as being
              western Kenya, a cohort of men who chose to be        asked certain questions that they were comfortable to answer.
              circumcised were matched with those who chose not to be   Participants were therefore provided with the questionnaire
              circumcised; in the three months of the study, risky sexual   and instructions on how to complete it. After completion,
              behaviour was reported among the circumcised cohort but   questionnaires were collected by the researcher. The process
              at the 12  months follow-up there were no significant   took them 20–25 min.
              differences in risky behaviour.  This kind of study
              demonstrates that if proper counselling is offered to men
              on  risk  reduction,  they  are  more  likely  not  to  engage  in   Validity and reliability
              risky sexual behaviour following circumcision. The study   The reliability of the data collection tool was enhanced by
              aimed at determining the awareness, sexual behaviours   conducting a pilot study among a few students. Sample size
              and perceptions of college students in Dr. Kenneth Kaunda   was increased by a marginal number to cater for non-
              District in South Africa.                             responses and incomplete questionnaires. Questions were
                                                                    carefully developed in such a way that they address the
              Methods                                               study objectives, hence ensuring the reliability of the data
              Study population and sampling method                  collection tool. Questionnaires were checked by the
                                                                    supervisor to ascertain if they are relevant to the study. To
              Through the use of a cross-sectional design, a population   ensure validity of the data collection instrument, questions
              comprising male students between the ages of 18 and   were structured using simple language that participants
              49  years  were registered at Vuselela College. There were   understood. Questions were simple and explained clearly the

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