Page 120 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 120

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              circumcised, 79.0% preferred VMMC and the students were   endured from having unsafe sex and the benefits of VMMC.
              willing to encourage others to opt for circumcision.  This   According to statistics, young people aged 15–24 account for
              prevalence in South Africa is because of massive scale-up of   39.0% of new HIV infections, which is a startling proportion.
              VMMC in different communities and mobilisation through   A study conducted in Uganda among fishing communities
              media platforms targeting young people.               reported that there are several cultural beliefs about VMMC,
                                                                    which include fear that foreskins are sold after removal, the
              In December 2014, over 9 million VMMCs were performed in   belief that a VMMC recipient’s first sexual partner after the
              all of the 14 priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa.  In 2014,   procedure should not be his spouse, and the belief that
              only 3 million VMMCs were performed, which showed that   vaginal fluids aid circumcision wound healing. On that
              rapid VMMC scale-up has been implemented in most of sub-  note,  some researchers state that the primary motivations
              Saharan Africa. According to UNAIDS targets, it is expected   of  VMMC are religious injunction, hygiene and protection
              that by 2020, there should be an additional 27 million VMMCs   against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) (not necessarily
              done;  these  VMMC  targets  were  based  on  the  statistics   HIV). 15,16  A study conducted in Kenya suggested that there
              obtained in 2014.  There has been significant progress made   is a need to dispel misconceptions about MC by involving
              in scaling up VMMCs in 14 priority countries; during 2015   religious leaders and women’s groups, and making
              Ethiopia and Kenya exceeded their 80.0% coverage of men   circumcision relevant to men who are already practicing
              performing VMMCs; Tanzania was on track to reach the   an  HIV  preventative  method.  Another  study  conducted
              expected target. Countries such as Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda   among university students in Zimbabwe revealed that only
              and Zimbabwe were still lagging in 2015 with a low coverage   a  minority of them were willing to be circumcised; this
              of 6.0% – 26.0%. There is also an urgent  need to launch   was mainly due to the negative attitude that students had
              VMMC in Central African Republic and South Sudan.     about VMMC. 4,17

              The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision programme was   A cross-sectional study was also conducted among adults in
              launched in Kenya in 2008 following the WHO/UNAID     rural Uganda, which revealed different negative perceptions
              recommendation in 2007. Initially, Kenya aimed to circumcise   about  VMMC,  especially  in  relation  to  its  HIV  protective
              860 000 by 2013. The number of operations increased every   measure. There is a concern about circumcision that is done
              year from 8000 to 190 000 between 2008 and 2013. According   after childhood. A study conducted among police officers in
              to literature, 80.0% of the VMMCs in Kenya were conducted   Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, raised concerns about circumcision
              in  the Nyanza  province,  where half  of the  uncircumcised   conducted at older ages, as there is a view that pain can be
              men live in Kenya.  There is evidence of the overall success   felt more and penile erection post circumcision can delay
              of the VMMC programme in Kenya, as most young people   wound healing. 18,19  The integration of male circumcision into
              begin their adolescent state to acknowledge this and ensure   mother and child health services can motivate women to
              they have done VMMC; the Kenyan government seeks to   allow circumcision of their child at an early age, hence
              ensure that there is sustainability of the programme.    alleviating many negative beliefs that the child can have as
              According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   they grow older when they are not circumcised. Furthermore,
              (CDC), the next step in Kenya is to accelerate VMMC among   a group of researchers indicated that if more health education
              males under the age of 15 and infants.  By the end of 2014, in   can be provided about different aspects of VMMC, some of
              Lesotho there were 85 000 men who had VMMC as part of   the perceptions can be eliminated and corrected. Studies
              HIV comprehensive prevention services; 56.0% of those men   conducted in most African countries indicate that there is a
              were tested for HIV; while in South Africa between 2012 and   lack of knowledge and awareness about VMMC; while
              2015 250 000 circumcisions were done. 7,12            another study that was conducted among university students
                                                                    in Botswana revealed varied evidence that there is an increase
              It is now well documented that a significant portion of South   in the level of awareness of VMMC. 5,20  Similarly, a  study
              Africa’s indigenous population has been practicing the   conducted among university students in Zimbabwe found
              culture of male circumcision for centuries. For instance, male   that the majority of students were aware about VMMC but
              circumcision initiation schools in South Africa form part of   failed to provide detailed information about the procedure.
              the cultural practice. However, the integration of medical   Despite  people  being  educated  through  various  media
              male circumcision with traditional manhood initiation rituals   platforms and promotion campaigns, literature has revealed
              still  seems  to lack acceptability  in these  societies.  Of  note,   that there is a knowledge gap about certain aspects of
              about 70.0% of the men fear being stigmatised if they are   VMMC. 3,18  A  study  conducted  in  Zimbabwe  indicated  that
              circumcised medically in South Africa.  As part of VMMC   exposure to information on VMMC is important in order to
              promotion and awareness in South  Africa, a number of   increase the awareness. The most cited sources of information
              organisations have been working closely with HEAIDS to   were  radio, television,  newspaper and billboards. Another
              assist with comprehensive HIV prevention services by   study  conducted  among  university  students  in  Zimbabwe
              motivating all male students to get circumcised. Within the   showed that the majority of students were aware of VMMC
              institutions of higher learning, such as colleges, there are   but failed to provide detailed information about the
              health promoters and VMMC mobilisers who continuously   procedure; the only information they had was from public
              interact with students about the implications that can be   media. 3,17  There have been varied views by the general

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