Page 4 - Nursing Matters June 2021 Vol 12
P. 4

Message from the
       MATTERS                            president

       The Team

       Prof. Yunus Moosa

       Editorial Advisory Board
       Dr Elizabeth Mokoka
       Ms Nelouise Geyer                                                 Prof. Yunus Moosa
       Ms Talitha Crowley                                                President: Southern African HIV
       Dr Julia Turner                                                   Clinicians Society

       E-mail: [email protected]        Since    the   commencement     of  This has meant that in many cases drug
       Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365           efforts towards Universal Access to  level factors have been overlooked
                                          Antiretrovirals  in  South  Africa  starting  and persistent low-level viraemia has
       Article/Letter submission          in  2004,  the  definition  of  virological  eventually translated into virological
       E-mail: [email protected]        suppression has been subject to some  failure. The ITREMA study advocates for
       Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365           debate. This is not surprising. Advances  drug testing early on and more frequent
                                          in  drugs,  public  health interventions,  viral load testing to accelerate cases
       For more information               policy evolution, political dynamics and  that qualify for second line treatment.
       SA HIV Clinicians Society          behavioral shifts in the community and  This will assist HCWs to more effectively
       Suite 233 Post Net Killarney       patient populations, all contribute to  isolate behavioural factors for focused
       Private Bag X2600                  new  and  emerging  ideas  on  treatment  adherence support. See de Vries et al.’s
       Houghton                           effectiveness.                      article on pg. 8. Special thanks go to
       2041                                                                   the Utrecht Medical school, under Prof                   This edition of HIV Nursing Matters  Anne Marie Wensing’s leadership, for
                                          provides some fascinating insights  including SAHCS in the ITREMA grant
       Tel: +27 (0) 11 728 7365           into the evolving thinking on viral  and allowing us to educate HCWs on
       Fax: +27 (0) 11 728 1251           load and virological suppression.  low-level viraemia.
       E-mail: [email protected]
                                          More specifically, this  edition  supports
                                          emerging findings on the value of  Bosch and Baskar (pg. 4) advocate
       The opinions expressed are the
       opinions of the writers and do not   utilising viral load results more effectively  for accelerating the use of dolutegravir
       necessarily portray the opinion of the   and supporting healthcare workers  (DTG) in first line treatment for its high
       Editorial Staff of HIV Nursing Matters   to pursue treatment strategies that  barrier to resistance and muted side
       or the Southern African HIV Clinicians   accelerate virological suppression. See  effects. The recent shift to DTG-containing
       Society. The Society does not accept   Nel’s summary of the Southern African  combinations will ensure that the value of
       any responsibility for claims made in   HIV Clinicians Society (SAHCS) Adult  an early viral load test in newly initiated
       advertisements.                    Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART) 2020  patients will be realised.
                                          guidelines recommendations on viral
       All rights reserved. No part of this   load and resistance on pg. 28.  Furthermore, in a second article, Bosch
       publication may be reproduced in any                                   &  Baskar  (pg.  12)  interrogate  the
       form without prior consent from the Editor.  This edition is timely as we advocate  commonly held belief that DTG may
                                          for South Africa’s adoption of the  increase metabolic risks by the proxy
                                          Undetectable=Untransmissible  (U=U)  indicator of weight gain. They argue
                                          global campaign. Read Dukashe’s  that metabolic side effects are far less
                                          article on U=U on pg. 23.           reported than is believed and that the
                                                                              benefits of DTG may outweigh any
                                          The  ITREMA  study  has  angled  the  risks of weight gain unless a patient
                                          spotlight on the risk of virological  actually presents with a new metabolic
                                          failure when low-level viraemia persists.  condition post-switching. It goes without
                                          Only recently has the South African  saying, the notion of weight is culturally
                                          National Department of Health revised  complex and must also be considered
                                          its definition of viral suppression from  with the patient in mind, including both
                                          <1000 copies/mL to <50 copies/mL.  achieving timely virological suppression
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