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Page iii of iv  Table of Contents

              Original Research                           202       Original Research                           211
              Patient acceptance of HIV testing services in rural emergency   The influence of haemodialysis on CD4+ T-cell counts in people living
              departments in South Africa                           with human immunodeficiency virus with end-stage kidney disease
              Aditi Rao, Caitlin Kennedy, Pamela Mda, Thomas C. Quinn,    Melanie Pretorius, Estee Benade, June Fabian, Denise Lawrie,
              David Stead, Bhakti Hansoti                           Elizabeth S. Mayne
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1105 | 22 July 2020  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1125 | 21 December 2020

               Clinical HIV Medicine and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

              Review Article                              220       Original Research                           275
              The evolution and adoption of World Health Organization policy   The spectrum of electrolyte abnormalities in black African people
              guidelines on antiretroviral therapy initiation in sub-Saharan Africa:    living with human immunodeficiency virus and diabetes mellitus
              A scoping review                                      at Edendale Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
              Sabina M. Govere, Moses J. Chimbari                   Preyanka Pillay, Somasundram Pillay, Nobuhle Mchunu
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1103 | 30 September 2020  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1095 | 23 July 2020
              Review Article                              231       Original Research              EDITOR'S CHOICE  283
              A rapid review and synthesis of the effectiveness of programmes    Understanding adherence in virally suppressed and unsuppressed
              initiating community-based antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa  human immunodeficiency virus-positive urban patients on
              Raymond Chimatira, Andrew Ross                        second-line antiretroviral treatment
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1153 | 05 November 2020  Siphamandla B. Gumede, Willem D.F. Venter, Samanta T. Lalla-Edward
                                                                    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1107 | 11 August 2020
              Scientific Letter                           240
              Drug resistance after cessation of efavirenz-based antiretroviral    Original Research  EDITOR'S CHOICE  293
              treatment started in pregnancy                        Feasibility of implementing same-day antiretroviral therapy initiation
              Globahan Ajibola, Christopher Rowley, Dorcas Maruapula, Jean Leidner,   during routine care in Ekurhuleni District, South Africa: Retention
              Kara Bennett, Kathleen Powis, Roger L. Shapiro, Shahin Lockman  and viral load suppression
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1023 | 27 January 2020  Nolundi Mshweshwe-Pakela, Bhakti Hansoti, Tonderai Mabuto,
                                                                    Deanna Kerrigan, Griffiths Kubeka, Elizabeth Hahn, Salome Charalambous,
              Editorial                                   244       Christopher J. Hoffmann
                                                                    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1085 | 20 August 2020
              ‘Covering the tail’ after stopping efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy
              Gary Maartens                                         Original Research                           299
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1036 | 27 January 2020
                                                                    Effects of HIV and non-communicable disease comorbidity on
              Scientific Letter               EDITOR'S CHOICE  246  healthcare costs and health experiences in people living with HIV
                                                                    in Zimbabwe
              CD4 testing after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: Analysis of    Laston Gonah, Indres Moodley, Khumbulani Hlongwana
              routine data from the South African HIV programme
              Rivka R. Lilian, Natasha Davies, Louise Gilbert, James A. McIntyre,    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1102 |
                                                                    04 September 2020
              Helen E. Struthers, Kate Rees
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1165 | 14 December 2020
                                                                    Original Research                           307
              Original Research                           250       Capacity of antiretroviral therapy sites for managing NCDs in
                                                                    people living with HIV in Zimbabwe
              Transition to an in-facility electronic Tuberculosis register: Lessons    Laston Gonah, Indres Moodley, Khumbulani Hlongwana
              from a South African pilot project                    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1113 |
              Hanlie Myburgh, Remco P.H. Peters, Theunis Hurter, Cornelius J.   04 September 2020
              Grobbelaar, Graeme Hoddinott
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1025 | 16 January 2020
                                                                    Original Research                           314
              Original Research                           257       Human immunodeficiency virus, diabetes mellitus and thyroid
                                                                    abnormalities: Should we be screening?
              Changes in the incidence and prevalence of human immunodeficiency   Somasundram Pillay, Davashni Pillay, Deepak Singh,
              virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the South African   Romashan Pillay
              medical schemes environment: 2005–2015                Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1116 |
              Floidy Wafawanaka, Martha S. Lubbe, Irma Kotzé, Marike Cockeran  09 November 2020
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1007 | 29 June 2020
                                                                    Original Research                           322
              Original Research                           265       Profile of elderly patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at
              Characteristics and outcomes of older people on antiretroviral    Newlands Clinic in 2020: A cross-sectional study
              therapy in Tlokwe Clinics, South Africa               Cleophas Chimbetete, Tinashe Mudzviti, Tinei Shamu
              Mareike Rabe, Huibrecht C. Lion-Cachet, Melaku A. Eyassu  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1164 |
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 21, No 1 | a1066 | 07 July 2020  10 December 2020

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