Page 98 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 98

Page 2 of 6  Original Research

              Mentoring programmes supporting the scale-up of HIV   Structured interviews to explore health workers’ perceptions
              treatment in sub-Saharan  Africa (SSA) have frequently   of the implementing agency’s mentoring programme were
              focussed either on mentoring clinical staff or on supporting   conducted by independent consultants with 74 participants
              administrative and logistical processes. 1,4,5,6  While these   (both male and female) from government health facilities
              programmes have shown impressive results, their focus on   in  Limpopo Province, Gauteng and the Western Cape.
              either clinical or administrative processes may lead to   Interviews were conducted in person, in private rooms at
              constraints in their effectiveness. Therefore, we explore the   individual facilities, between October 2014 and July 2015.
              role of targeted mentoring using a needs-based approach to   Refusal rates were very low, with only five participants
              support both clinical and some administrative processes as   refusing to participate in interviews as a result of repeatedly
              part of a technical assistance package targeting HIV and   being unavailable  or having to  attend to urgent medical
              tuberculosis  (TB)  services  at  public  healthcare  facilities  in   problems in their facilities. Participants were purposively
              three provinces of South Africa.                      selected based on their involvement in the technical
                                                                    assistance  programme.  Interviews  were  conducted  with
              Methods                                               facility managers and their deputies, nurses, pharmacists

              Study setting                                         and  data staff. While  the  evaluation  included  questions
                                                                    relating to the entire technical assistance package, this article
              The study was conducted at selected health facilities in   focusses on understanding healthcare workers’ perceptions
              Limpopo, Gauteng and the Western Cape. Facilities in   of the mentoring component of the package.
              Limpopo and the  Western Cape  were situated in  rural
              districts, while the Gauteng facilities were located in peri-  Signed informed consent was obtained from all participants
              urban townships. All facilities had been receiving technical   prior to their participation. To maintain anonymity of
              assistance from Anova Health Institute (hereafter referred to   respondents, no identifying information was collected.
              as ‘the implementing agency’) since 2010, and most had   The  study protocol and materials were approved by the
              previously been sites where the agency had directly provided   University of the Witwatersrand’s Human Research Ethics
              HIV-related services.                                 Committee (M120625).

              The implementing agency’s HIV and TB-related health systems   Data analysis
              strengthening (HSS) support activities were primarily funded
              by USAID/PEPFAR. In 2009, PEPFAR’s focus shifted away   Interviews  were  audio-recorded and  transcribed  verbatim.
              from direct service provision towards technical assistance   Data were managed using NVIVO 11  and were analysed
              and HSS.  Hence, the focus of the implementing agency’s   using a thematic analysis approach.  Firstly, interview
              work between 2009 and 2014 was on HSS and the provision   transcripts were read carefully while paying particular
              of technical support to the South African Government’s HIV   attention to discussion related to the mentoring programme.
              response, with staff mentoring forming a  central aspect of   Once the two authors responsible for data analysis were
              this support. Mentoring was provided to nurses to assist with   familiar with the data set, initial coding was conducted
              the implementation of nurse initiated and  managed  ART   independently by each author to identify units of text with
              (NIMART); to data capturers and administrators  to  assist   relevance to the research topic. Text units dealing with the
              with managing the ART (antiretroviral therapy) programmes   same issue were grouped together in an initial set of themes
              reporting requirements; and to pharmacy staff to support   and 48 basic themes were interpreted from the data in this
              efficient stock control and pharmacy management.      stage. The same unit of text could be included in more than
                                                                    one theme.
              Theoretical framework
                                                                    These themes were then discussed and refined in relation to
              This study was informed by literature focussing on mentoring   both the coded content of the basic themes, and the data set
              as a broad approach to individual and organisational   as a whole, in order to create a coherent set of organising
              development in various contexts,  as well as research   themes. Five organising themes were produced in this
              focussing more specifically  on mentoring  in the  context   stage  of analysis. Finally, these organising themes were
              of  technical assistance programmes in LMICs. 2,5,10  This   analysed  to  develop  two  main  themes  related  to  the  role
              literature was reviewed in reference to the World Health   of  the implementing agency’s mentoring programme in
              Organization’s 2006  recommendations on the use of clinical   implementing HIV-related services. These were: (1) targeted
              mentoring to support HIV programme implementation in   mentoring as knowledge and skills transfer and (2) mentoring
              resource-limited settings.                            as psychosocial support.

              Study design                                          Ethical consideration
              This study is a qualitative evaluation of the role of mentoring   Signed informed consent was obtained from all participants.
              as part of a technical assistance package targeting HIV and   The study protocol was approved by the University of
              TB services as provided by the implementing agency at public   the  Witwatersrand’s Human Research Ethics Committee
              healthcare facilities in three South African health districts.  (reference number: M120625).

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