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              Original Research               EDITOR'S CHOICE  225  Original Research                           278
              Occupational blood and body fluid exposures and human immunodeficiency   A descriptive analysis of the role of a WhatsApp clinical discussion
              virus post-exposure prophylaxis amongst intern doctors  group as a forum for continuing medical education in the management
              Sunday J. Aigbodion, Feroza Motara, Abdullah E. Laher  of complicated HIV and TB clinical cases in a group of doctors in the
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a958 | 22 May 2019  Eastern Cape, South Africa
                                                                    Joana Woods, Michelle Moorhouse, Lucia Knight
              Original Research                           231       Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a982 | 01 August 2019
              Virologic and immunologic responses of patients on highly active
              antiretroviral therapy in a rural community health centre in Limpopo,   Original Research         287
              South Africa: A retrospective study                   Associations of visceral fat thickness and anthropometric measurements
              Aniekan Edet, Henry Akinsola, Pascal O. Bessong       with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease development in male patients
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a818 | 22 May 2019  mono-infected with human immunodeficiency virus
                                                                    Miloš Vujanović, Nina Brkić-Jovanović, Dalibor Ilić, Zorka Drvendžija,
              Original Research                           238       Biljana Srdić-Galić, Vesna Turkulov, Snežana Brkić, Daniela Marić
              Tonsil histopathology in HIV-infected versus HIV-uninfected adults  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a968 | 07 August 2019
              Ridwaan Essa, Shivesh Maharaj, Kapila Hari, Shahpar Motakef  Original Research                    293
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a936 | 28 May 2019
                                                                    Measles in adults: A comparison of hospitalised HIV-infected and
                                                                    HIV-uninfected patients
              Original Research                           243       Nina E. Diana, Charles Feldman
              Factors influencing the confidence and knowledge of nurses prescribing   Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a877 | 13 August 2019
              antiretroviral treatment in a rural and urban district in the Western
              Cape province                                         Original Research                           298
              Deborah J. Solomons, Anita S. van der Merwe, Tonya M. Esterhuizen,
              Talitha Crowley                                       Unexpected low frequency of respiratory symptoms in an HIV-positive
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a923 | 02 July 2019  urban sub-Saharan population compared to an HIV-negative control group
                                                                    Maren Kummerow, Erica J. Shaddock, Kerstin Klipstein-Grobusch,
              Original Research                           250       Roos B. Barth, Diederick E. Grobbee, Francois D.F. Venter,
                                                                    Charles Feldman, Alinda Vos
              Outcomes of Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis   Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a1010 | 26 September 2019
              in HIV-infected patients when using systemic steroids and/or intravenous
              immunoglobulins in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa     Original Research                           305
              Antoinette V. Chateau, Ncoza C. Dlova, Halima Dawood, Colleen Aldous
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a944 | 04 July 2019  The diagnostic utility of bone marrow examination in an infectious
                                                                    disease ward
              Original Research                           258       Nirvana Bharuthram, Charles Feldman
                                                                    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a974 |
              Switching at Low HIV-1 RNA into Fixed Dose Combinations: TDF/FTC/RPV is   30 September 2019
              non-inferior to TDF/FTC/EFV in first-line suppressed patients living with HIV
              Paula Munderi, Edwin Were, Anchalee Avihingsanon, Pascale A.M. Mbida,   Original Research         312
              Lerato Mohapi, Samba B. Moussa, Marjolein Jansen, Ceyhun Bicer,
              Perry Mohammed, Yvon van Delft                        Motor lumbosacral radiculopathy in HIV-infected patients
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a949 | 23 July 2019  Kaminie Moodley, Pierre L.A. Bill, Vinod B. Patel
                                                                    Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a992 | 28 October 2019
              Original Research               EDITOR'S CHOICE  268
              Baseline CD4 and mortality trends in the South African human   Original Research                  318
              immunodeficiency virus programme: Analysis of routine data  Breast abnormalities in adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy
              Rivka R. Lilian, Kate Rees, Moyahabo Mabitsi, James A. McIntyre,    Jackie L. Dunlop, Wiedaad Slemming, Kathryn Schnippel, Caroline Makura,
              Helen E. Struthers, Remco P.H. Peters                 Leon J. Levin, Sarah Rayne, Marnie Vujovic, Cynthia Firnhaber
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a963 | 24 July 2019  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a1017 | 06 November 2019

               Paediatric HIV

              Original Research                           325       Original Research                           337
              Peripartum HIV infection in very low birth weight infants fed ‘raw’   Adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy among orphaned
              mother’s own milk                                     children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
              Melantha Coetzee, Suzanne D. Delport                  Sabina F. Mugusi, Nassoro Mopei, Omary Minzi
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a912 | 19 June 2019  Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a954 | 06 August 2019
              Original Research                           332       Original Research              EDITOR'S CHOICE  345
              HIV testing at birth: Are we getting it right?        Disclosure of human immunodeficiency virus status to children in
              Chanté Bisschoff, Jasmine Coulon, Ziva Isaacs, Lavinia van der Linde,    South Africa: A comprehensive analysis
              Linley Wilson, Riana van Zyl, Gina Joubert            Sabine L. van Elsland, Remco P.H. Peters, Cornelis Grobbelaar,
              Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a951 |    Patiswa Ketelo, Maarten O. Kok, Mark F. Cotton, A. Marceline van Furth
              27 June 2019                                          Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine | Vol 20, No 1 | a884 | 22 August 2019

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