Page 45 - SAHCS HIVMed Journal Vol 20 No 1 2019
P. 45

Page 16 of 26  Guideline

              are  beginning  to  emerge  (see  Table 5).  An  observational   BOX 3: Thomas Browne, The Religio Medici. 75
              study in > 3000 cancer patients found that cannabis improved   Men that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto
                                                                     life and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; But I that have examined
              sleep, anxiety and depression levels and reduced the fatigue,   the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do
              nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.  A report of   wonder that we are not always so; And considering the thousand doors that lead
                                                                     to death, do thank my God that we can die but once.
              198 HIV-infected ‘heavy’ cannabis users found reduced                       – Thomas Browne, 1642. The Religio Medici
              activation  of  inflammatory  markers  compared  with  non-  Source:  Ferry  G.  Thomas  Browne:  A  rarity  among  rarities.  Lancet.  2017;389:1687–1688.
              cannabis using controls; however, there is clearly a need to
              better clarify the role of the cannabinoids in evidence-based,   overcrowded,  ageing  facilities  in  need of  renewal  and  a
              well-planned RCTs of the HIV-infected and uninfected   department facing extraordinarily high levels of litigation. 77,78
              people. The 2016 Johns Hopkins-Lancet Commission on
              Drug Policy and Health makes the additional point: ‘At a   Developing a discipline of palliative care and fitting it into
              time of policy-level concern about dependence on prescription   this failing system at this time will be a testing experience,
              opioids, a few ecological studies suggest that greater access   but it must happen. Somehow.
              to cannabis could reduce use of opioids for pain relief’.
                                                                    The private sector must find a reliable tool that funders can
              Cannabinoid side effects are common, usually dose-    use when providing capital for home nursing and hospice
              dependent, that is, higher doses tend to produce more side   admission. A life expectancy of 6 months or less is a widely
              effects, and are often specific to individual compounds (see   used rule of thumb in the United States, although available
              Table 3). These side effects  include cardiac (tachycardia,   models are generally insensitive to the gains of ART and the
              hypo- and hypertension), CNS (arousal and depression   treatment of opportunistic disease. No local RCTs answer
                                                                    this question; nonetheless, our recommendation has been to
              states, for example cognitive impairment, euphoria, psychosis   follow the US approach and use the 6-month probability of
              and paranoia), and gastrointestinal toxicity such as diarrhea,   survival or the SPICT  tool.
              vomiting and abnormal liver enzymes, with higher doses
              (see Table 6).                                        The defining treatment ethos of HIV and ID clinicians is
                                                                    curative. There is no conflict between curative and
              With regard to the role of cannabinoids in the palliative care   symptomatic management provided the goal to treat
              of HIV-infected patients, several ‘unknowns’ remain, for   suffering is central to care. Is there a time where curative care
              example :                                             is no longer appropriate? Is there a time to let go of ART? Yes.
                                                                    Those of us who are hospital-based clinicians encounter these
              •  Indications for use of cannabinoids require urgent   questions daily in our wards and clinics. The answers are not
                 clarification.                                     usually found in textbooks but at the patient’s bedside.
              •  The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of
                 cannabinoids in people naïve to and those with prior   Acknowledgements
                 exposure (to cannabinoids) in the context of palliative
                 care. Does this differ? Do cannabinoid-exposed people   Competing interests
                 require a higher dosing of cannabis?               The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
              •  Drug–drug interactions between the cannabinoids, ART
                 and TB drugs have minimal or no data.
              •  Which route of administration should be recommended:   Authors’ contributions
                 oral, inhaled (smoked)?                            D.C.S. conceived the format and wrote the guidelines. R.K.,
                                                                    T.R., M.-Y.S.M., S.B.,  A.M. and E.M. provided specialist
              Final remarks                                         material. R.K. and T.R. reviewed individual sections as the
                                                                    guideline developed. All authors participated in the initial
              It was the general belief in the 1980s that a vaccine and cure   guideline committee meeting and comments on the final
              would have been found by the end of that decade or at the latest,   manuscript prior to submission.
              that is, the middle of the 1990s. That did not occur, and the HIV
              epidemic is now firmly rooted in southern  African soil.
              Antiretroviral therapy has transformed the infection into a   Ethical consideration
              chronic, manageable disorder yet the condition remains incurable.   This article followed all ethical standards for a research
              About 8 million HIV-infected South Africans need care and will   without direct contact with human or animal subjects.
              die from or with the virus. Their suffering is the concern of these
              guidelines as many will require palliative care (see Box 3).
                                                                    Funding information
              The ‘total pain’ that accompanies suffering arises from   This  research  received  no  specific  grant from any  funding
              multiple causes. Analgesics alone do not effectively control   agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
              this pain although palliative care teams throughout the
              country’s health service would go a long way to answer this   Data availability statement
              need.  Even  highly  motivated  teams  require  funding,
              organisation and the support of colleagues and government   Data sharing in not applicable to this article as no new data
              in a country where its public health is in trouble: underfunded,   were created or analysed in this study.

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